The following is from 15 years ago, today. This is where it all began.
I sat in my computer chair and watched as Ame cocked her head side to side. At first I thought it was due to the blinds swinging back and forth and light spilling in and out and into her eyes, but upon closer inspection I found what she was really interested in (or, I should say, 'who'). There was a little lady bug crawling around on the wall, quite sluggishly I might add. As much as I'd love to say Ame wanted to make friends, she was already licking her lips and doesn't really uphold a reputation of keeping anything smaller than her out of her nice round belly. So I scooped the lady bird up off the wall into an old spaghetti sauce jar.
I made him a little jar with water, food, things to crawl on, and a bit of eucalyptus honey. It was decided unanimously between Ame, the Lady bug and myself that he should adopt the name and title of St. Frederick! Once he drank some water and dipped into that honey, Frederick was zipping everywhere... until he dive bombed straight into the honey and now he is sluggish again because he sticks to everything. I now sit and muse over him as he cleans himself off and continues to zoot around, the top of the jar left open to his free will.
The hot water is off in my apartment while they do maintenance. It was supposed to be back on an hour and a half ago, but I'm passing the time fairly patiently before I take my shower. Ideas of a dynamic duo team of St. Frederick the Lady Bird and Phillipe the Hermit Crab flit through my mind almost as quickly as Frederick zooted through his new jar after trying Brazillian eucalyptus honey.
Bugs are neat.