As mentioned in devlog #45 about Wisps, technologically and biologically influenced mutation and infection affect all arthropods–and some other creatures– differently. An order, family, genus, or species may branch off into several different new varieties. Titans are arthropods that, on the outside, resemble their original ancestors, except they are much bigger. Much, much bigger. Ancient […]
Technologically and biologically influenced mutation and infection affect all arthropods–and some other creatures– differently. An order, family, genus, or species may branch off into several different new varieties. This is exactly what happened with the portion of the Lepidoptera order (the order of winged insects that includes butterflies and moths). Many a lepidopteran descendant walks […]
Bug & Claw is special to me– a world I have thought about for years and something I want to have fun working on in subsequent editions and supplements for years to come. I've talked a bit before about how I want to be the best game designer I can be and how part of […]
Exploring a simplified range-based combat system I've been toying with different range systems to help simplify combat. I like OSR combat but don't necessarily want the crunchy gameplay a grid requires. I've toyed with some formats akin to a Witcher-style Gwent grid to be a facsimile for range and still maintain some of the fun […]
In D20 games, like Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, when in a battle, play is generally determined with characters travelling around on a grid, turns among themselves and opponents determined by rolled initiative ratings. Battles can sometimes last an entire play session. Some people like this. While I do like a D20 system, I am […]
The following is from 15 years ago, today. This is where it all began. I sat in my computer chair and watched as Ame cocked her head side to side. At first I thought it was due to the blinds swinging back and forth and light spilling in and out and into her eyes, but […]