Bug & Claw is special to me– a world I have thought about for years and something I want to have fun working on in subsequent editions and supplements for years to come. I've talked a bit before about how I want to be the best game designer I can be and how part of […]
Exploring a simplified range-based combat system I've been toying with different range systems to help simplify combat. I like OSR combat but don't necessarily want the crunchy gameplay a grid requires. I've toyed with some formats akin to a Witcher-style Gwent grid to be a facsimile for range and still maintain some of the fun […]
In D20 games, like Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, when in a battle, play is generally determined with characters travelling around on a grid, turns among themselves and opponents determined by rolled initiative ratings. Battles can sometimes last an entire play session. Some people like this. While I do like a D20 system, I am […]
The following is from 15 years ago, today. This is where it all began. I sat in my computer chair and watched as Ame cocked her head side to side. At first I thought it was due to the blinds swinging back and forth and light spilling in and out and into her eyes, but […]
I recently tested some of the Bug & Claw character-creation methods on some friends and colleagues. I did so knowing they weren't used to OSR games where you quickly roll up a character. I wanted to see some of the common barriers for them getting into an OSR game or something other than D&D 5E. […]
In my last post of descriptive adjectives I recommended this site to help with adjectives. Well, I found another! Anywho, when you start your adventure, your clothing is _____. You'll have to tell the rest of us why it's like that. Feel free to use this for your other OSR games.