In D20 games, like Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, when in a battle, play is generally determined with characters travelling around on a grid, turns among themselves and opponents determined by rolled initiative ratings. Battles can sometimes last an entire play session. Some people like this. While I do like a D20 system, I am not one of the people who likes long, drawn out battles. It's too much crunching of numbers and mechanics. I like crunch, but it's too much.
There are reasons for this crunch, for sure. It's not just because some folks enjoy all the back and forth. For example, the back and forth and other intricacies of the system help create more balance. I'm not going to dig into all of the pros and cons.
Meanwhile, the types of systems on the other end of the spectrum, Powered by the Apocalypse and Forged In The Dark games, for example, represent combat by moves, with highly subjective outcomes for how this unfolds in a narrative aspect. Battles can unfold much quicker than in a D20 system, but sometimes, interpreting what happened, why, and its ramifications can be a little tricky. I like these games, too, but sometimes it feels like they leave too much in the players' hands.
Here are some of the things I have been exploring.
In order to guide the design of any of these mechanics, or answer hard questions, I'm going back to some of the guiding principles of Bug & Claw.
Hate has no place in the things Monkey's Lunch creates.
We do this because we enjoy it first and foremost and want others to enjoy it, too. Every mechanical decision should come back to this.
Remove barriers to play and improve ease of play.
This is similar to “mobile-first” in web and product design. Start there and build out to GM-less groups and then traditional GM groups. This helps emphasize empowering the player rather than waiting on a GM and enables more people to play.
Characters are stronger together– Differences between characters only multiply that fact. Acceptance and kindness often prevail.
Where I’m from and where I’m going. Who I was and who I need to be. Your character grows, and so does the world with them.
Corrupt royals & governments try to control or conform. Will you join or help others find their voice?
The past tries to repeat itself or literally creep into the present. Will you let it?
Regrowth, resolution, rebuilding, learning instead of repeating.
An exercise to help is writing short statements of what could be expected in the game, combat or otherwise:
I am working through combat prototypes. Sometimes this swings to feeling very OSR-like, to very similar to PbtA, adding and removing all sorts of mechanics and controls. The key is, I'm having fun playing around with things, and making sure Bug & Claw feels just right.