In my last post of descriptive adjectives I recommended this site to help with adjectives. Well, I found another!
Anywho, when you start your adventure, your clothing is _____. You'll have to tell the rest of us why it's like that. Feel free to use this for your other OSR games.
- Absent
- Adorned
- Baggy
- Bedraggled
- Bejewelled
- Belted
- Blood-stained
- Bright
- Burnt
- Buttoned
- Charred
- Cheap
- Cloaked
- Colourful
- Corded
- Crisply-pressed
- Crude
- Cut-off
- Damaged
- Decorated
- Dirty
- Drafty
- Drenched
- Dusty
- Elaborate
- Elegant
- Embroidered
- Exotic
- Expensive
- Faded
- Fashionable
- Feathered
- Fetid
- Fine
- Fitted
- Flamboyant
- Flowing
- Frayed
- Fringed
- Fur-lined
- Gaudy
- Gilded
- Glowing
- Gossamer
- Grimy
- Hand-me-down
- Heavy
- Hooded
- Ill-fitting
- Immaculate
- Indecent
- Jagged
- Jewelled
- Laced
- Leather-bound
- Loose
- Luxurious
- Matted
- Metallic
- Mismatched
- Moldy
- Muddy
- Musty
- Neat
- Nomadic
- Nonconforming
- Oily
- Opulent
- Oversized
- Patched
- Patterned
- Peculiar
- Plain
- Polished
- Practical
- Pretentious
- Pristine
- Ragged
- Ratty
- Ravaged
- Reinforced
- Ripped
- Rough
- Ruined
- Rumpled
- Rusty
- Saturated
- Shabby
- Shimmering
- Simple
- Singed
- Slick
- Slimy
- Snug
- Stained
- Stitched
- Sullied
- Tattered
- Tight-fitting
- Undersized