October 1, 2024

D100 Clothing types - Devlog #40

In my last post of descriptive adjectives I recommended this site to help with adjectives. Well, I found another!

Anywho, when you start your adventure, your clothing is _____. You'll have to tell the rest of us why it's like that. Feel free to use this for your other OSR games.

  1. Absent
  2. Adorned
  3. Baggy
  4. Bedraggled
  5. Bejewelled
  6. Belted
  7. Blood-stained
  8. Bright
  9. Burnt
  10. Buttoned
  11. Charred
  12. Cheap
  13. Cloaked
  14. Colourful
  15. Corded
  16. Crisply-pressed
  17. Crude
  18. Cut-off
  19. Damaged
  20. Decorated
  21. Dirty
  22. Drafty
  23. Drenched
  24. Dusty
  25. Elaborate
  26. Elegant
  27. Embroidered
  28. Exotic
  29. Expensive
  30. Faded
  31. Fashionable
  32. Feathered
  33. Fetid
  34. Fine
  35. Fitted
  36. Flamboyant
  37. Flowing
  38. Frayed
  39. Fringed
  40. Fur-lined
  41. Gaudy
  42. Gilded
  43. Glowing
  44. Gossamer
  45. Grimy
  46. Hand-me-down
  47. Heavy
  48. Hooded
  49. Ill-fitting
  50. Immaculate
  51. Indecent
  52. Jagged
  53. Jewelled
  54. Laced
  55. Leather-bound
  56. Loose
  57. Luxurious
  58. Matted
  59. Metallic
  60. Mismatched
  61. Moldy
  62. Muddy
  63. Musty
  64. Neat
  65. Nomadic
  66. Nonconforming
  67. Oily
  68. Opulent
  69. Oversized
  70. Patched
  71. Patterned
  72. Peculiar
  73. Plain
  74. Polished
  75. Practical
  76. Pretentious
  77. Pristine
  78. Ragged
  79. Ratty
  80. Ravaged
  81. Reinforced
  82. Ripped
  83. Rough
  84. Ruined
  85. Rumpled
  86. Rusty
  87. Saturated
  88. Shabby
  89. Shimmering
  90. Simple
  91. Singed
  92. Slick
  93. Slimy
  94. Snug
  95. Stained
  96. Stitched
  97. Sullied
  98. Tattered
  99. Tight-fitting
  100. Undersized
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