I recently tested some of the Bug & Claw character-creation methods on some friends and colleagues. I did so knowing they weren't used to OSR games where you quickly roll up a character. I wanted to see some of the common barriers for them getting into an OSR game or something other than D&D 5E. The result was that they wanted the option of a bit more flavour and inspiration: what makes their character tick, why are they the way they are, who were they, why are they doing what they're doing now?
This brought me to backstories, professional time, and personal time. A backstory prompt is probably something folks are familiar with from other games: It's a short line that gets your brain thinking about why you are the way you are. Meanwhile, I wanted to give people more inspiration and flavour by letting them roll or choose from prompts of what their character did in their professional time or personal time. Were they a baker? A full-time student? Did they enjoy spending time in nature or reading? This can help flesh that out if people so desire. Entirely optional.
However, I think backstories will continue to evolve, as they may overlap with overarching character goals. Progress on goals can lead to XP. You can also see where I've added placeholders for lore-specific items– page numbers where you can eventually learn more about the thing.
Roll D100, choose, or create a backstory
- I was bored beyond belief of where I came from, and the grass looked greener outside my home walls.
- I once saw a Titan tear through a wisp hive, and I still have nightmares of the carnage.
- I was betrayed by those I trusted most and seek to even the score.
- I carry an ancient relic from my ancestors, but its purpose remains a mystery (+1 resonance).
- I left my homeland after a bitter dispute with my family.
- I was the sole survivor of a devastating raid.
- I became fascinated with the workings of a faction that passed through.
- I became enraged with a faction that passed through and all they stand for.
- I just want to eat, and nothing here sates me anymore.
- I possess knowledge of an ancient secret that many want.
- I wander the world, searching for a place that feels like home.
- I witnessed something forbidden, and now I’m hunted for what I know.
- A great shame has tarnished my name.
- My parents became infected and fled town in the night.
- I did something foolish and now hide an infection (+1 infection).
- I owe my life to someone I despise, and I am forever in their debt.
- I abandoned my previous life to follow the trail of a mysterious figure.
- I must find out if the local legends are true.
- Dreams of a distant past haunt me, but I don't know if they are mine (+1 resonance).
- I don't know why the wisps taunt me to follow them (+1 resonance).
- I was part of a once great family and am all that's left.
- I was raised in a harsh, unforgiving environment, and it shaped me into what I am today.
- I committed a terrible act, and no one knows—yet.
- I have always been drawn to the stars, believing they hold my destiny.
- I was once a trusted advisor, but my counsel led to disaster.
- I am bound by a code I cannot break, no matter the personal cost.
- I follow in the footsteps of a legendary ancestor, but their shadow looms large over me.
- I encountered my first Relic-kin in the forest, and now I must know more about them.
- I am an orphan and must know where I come from.
- I encountered a Titan in the wilderness and no one will believe me.
- A wisp stole one of my treasured belongings.
- I made a horrible mistake on the job and someone got hurt.
- I heard a strange prophecy from a Titan.
- I'm a bit too lonely and clingy.
- My family sent me away to live here because they thought I needed new experiences.
- I was shot with a crystal-tipped arrow, and I now wear the arrowhead around my neck (+1 resonance).
- I was disfigured by an infected arrow and townsfolk fear me (+1 infection).
- An unknown Titan stepped on my family.
- I can't remember anything before being found outside this place.
- I worshipped a god for years before discovering I was in a cult.
- I carry a heavy guilt after taking part in a dark ritual.
- I am secretly afraid of Old-kin, and it causes trouble in my life.
- A sea monster ate my best friend.
- I secretly eat Old-kin, and sometimes I wonder what Bug-kin would taste like.
- I have been competitive at everything for as long as I can remember.
- My family fled a beloved royal family, knowing how corrupt they really were.
- When I first hatched, objects would move around the room, and folk feared me (+1 resonance).
- My egg was found in a cesspool, and it took twice as long for me to hatch (+2 infection).
- I have secretly devoted my life to a particular faction and seek to join their ranks.
- Everyone has loved my parents and ignored me all your life.
- I have a famous sibling and have always lived in their shadow.
- I'm a bit of a busybody and love collecting and sharing gossip.
- I like to dress and pretend to be others to get what I want.
- I used to help investigate crimes until I saw something so grisly that I sought to forget.
- I used to roll with the wrong crowd, and they sometimes still call on me for favours.
- Memories of fleeing a war haunt me. Nightmares plague me every night.
- I have always followed the law and tradition, but now I wonder where it has gotten me.
- I seek to leave a legacy for folks to remember my name and make my family proud.
- A monstrous, infected animal I escaped haunts my every waking thought.
- I was hatched under an eclipse; some say it cursed my life.
- I saved a village from a great storm, but no one believed it was me.
- I lost a minor limb to an infected animal and have been seeking revenge ever since.
- I was entrusted with a map of ancient infected lands, but I don’t know if I can trust it.
- I saw members of the Breach take down a monstrous infected animal and can't stop thinking about it.
- I'd always enjoyed extravagant parties and dances until I stopped getting invited.
- I used to help at the laundry until I found a bloodied weapon.
- I have visions of bright lights and voices I don't understand, and I feel them closing in daily (+1 resonance).
- I accidentally unleashed something while exploring an ancient ruin (+1 resonance, +1 infection).
- I was once a fledgling member of a powerful faction but was cast out for breaking their rules.
- I stole something valuable from a faction leader and have been on the run ever since.
- I found a crystal that speaks to me, guiding my path (+1 resonance).
- I believe I was reincarnated and seek to uncover my past life’s mysteries.
- I possess a fragment of a Relic-kin weapon and fear what will happen if others discover it.
- I once met a Titan in the wild, and they left me with an eerie mark.
- I failed a local rite of passage and am determined to prove myself worthy.
- Ever since I found a mysterious artifact, a shadowy figure has been hunting me (+1 pocket filler).
- I have a secret illness that no one can cure, and it’s slowly consuming me (+1 infection).
- I was forced to flee my homeland after witnessing a royal's assassination.
- I carry the burden of my sibling’s death, knowing it was my fault.
- I once heard a strange melody in the forest, and I’ve been searching for its source ever since.
- I was exiled from my community for practicing forbidden magic (+1 resonance).
- I once stood face to face with a bloodthirsty, infected creature, and though it spared me, I don’t know why.
- I stole an ancient artifact and must keep it safe, though I can't even read it.
- I am plagued by a constant whispering in my head, and I fear I’m losing control (+1 resonance).
- I was raised by a faction that operates nearby in secret. I don't truly believe in them, but leaving could mean death.
- I witnessed a Bug-kin transform into something monstrous, and now I fear it could happen to me (+1 infection).
- I have always been drawn to dark places where others dare not tread, but lately, I have felt something watching me.
- I once destroyed a wisp nest in anger, and now they pester and swarm me whenever they find me.
- I was part of a failed rebellion against a faction, and now I hide my past to stay alive.
- I encountered a strange Old-kin that spoke to me, but no one believes it could talk.
- I was born into a family of hunters, but I can't stomach the thought of killing anything.
- I saved a child from an infected wisp swarm, but the encounter left me scarred (+1 infection).
- I found an ancient map detailing the hiding place of a Titan’s lair, and now I must see it.
- I am haunted by visions of a wisp calling my name, and I can’t ignore it any longer (+1 resonance).
- I once followed a wisp deep into the forest, and I’ve never been able to find my way back to my original home.
- I was blamed for bringing an infection to my town, even though it wasn’t me (+1 infection).
- I escaped a collapsing metallic cavern that was filled with relics, but I left something important behind.
- I was born with strange markings on my carapace; some say they foretell a great destiny.
- I carry a shard of an infected Titan’s carapace, and it feels like it’s changing me (+1 infection).
- I was born in the shadow of a Titan’s bones, and I feel its spirit guiding me (+1 resonance).
Roll, choose, or create a profession
I am a [expertise] and [success level] [profession], that does [hobby] when I can.
D6 Expertise:
- Proficient
- Competent
- Advanced beginner
- Novice
- Incompetent
- Dangerously incompetent
D6 Success level:
- Very well-off (D100 starting Gon)
- Well-off (D20 starting Gon)
- Stable (D10 starting Gon)
- Worried (D6 starting Gon)
- Poor (D4 starting Gon)
- Broke (0 starting Gon)
D100 Profession:
If you feel like your profession or hobby would influence a situation you may use it creatively to problem-solve like you would an item. In the case of your profession, you may use it to reduce the difficulty of a related roll by one dice level.
- Accountant
- Actor
- Acrobat
- Armorer
- Arborist
- Architect
- Artist
- Astrologer
- Baker
- Banker
- Belt maker
- Beggar
- Birdcatcher
- Bodyguard
- Bookie
- Bookmaker
- Botanist
- Bouncer
- Brood-defense (pg X)
- Brewer/distiller
- Brawler
- Butcher
- Candle / Torch maker
- Carpenter
- Carter
- Cartographer
- Charcoal Maker
- Chef
- Cleaner
- Cobbler
- Conman
- Construction worker
- Courier
- Crystal watch (pg X)
- Cupbearer
- Cultist
- Dancer
- Day labourer
- Destitute
- Dyer
- Farmer
- Fence
- Firefighter
- Fisher
- Fishmonger
- Florist
- Forager
- Fortune-teller
- Gardener
- Gambler
- Gongfarmer
- Gravedigger
- Grocer
- Guard
- Herbalist
- Hunter
- Innkeeper
- Jailer
- Lamplighter
- Laundry Worker
- Librarian
- Locksmith
- Mason
- Medic
- Messenger
- Miller
- Miner
- Minstrel
- Mortician
- Musician
- Negotiator
- Nurse
- Old-kin keeper (pg X)
- Poacher
- Politician
- Porter
- Potter
- Ritualist
- Ropemaker
- Scribe
- Sculptor
- Shepherd
- Smith
- Street Vendor
- Student
- Tailor
- Tanner
- Tavern keeper
- Tax collector
- Taxidermist
- Taster
- Teacher
- Thief
- Town crier
- Town watch
- Tunneler / Burrower
- Weaver (pg X)
- Wheelwright
- Woodcutter
- Writer
Roll D100, choose, or create a hobby
- Acting
- Adrenaline junky
- Animal grooming
- Antiquing
- Archery
- Art history
- Astrology
- Axe throwing
- Baking
- Basket Weaving
- Beachcombing
- Bird-watching
- Blacksmithing
- Boating
- Botany
- Brewing
- Bug-kin watching
- Calisthenics
- Calligraphy
- Candle making
- Candy making
- Cards
- Caring for animals
- Carving
- Cloud Watching
- Collecting Old-kin
- Collecting something niche and weird
- Dancing
- Darts
- Dice
- Distilling
- Dowsing
- Drawing
- Drinking
- Drinking hot beverages
- Enjoying the arts
- Exploring nearby
- Exploring ruins
- Fishing
- Fitness
- Flower arranging
- Flying kites
- Foraging
- Fossil hunting
- Fruit picking
- Gambling
- Gardening
- Geology
- Ghost hunting
- Graffiti
- Gymnastics
- Herbalism
- Hiking
- Hunting
- Improvising musical instruments
- Journaling
- Juggling
- Knitting
- Lapidary
- Learning an instrument
- Local history
- Magnet fishing
- Making my own clothes
- Marbles
- Memory training
- Mixology
- Mudlarking
- Origami
- Painting
- Poetry
- Pottery
- Practical jokes
- Puppetry
- Reading
- Rock climbing
- Rock painting
- Roleplaying
- Scavenging
- Sculpting
- Sewing
- Singing
- Soap making
- Socializing
- Spelunking in harmless caves
- Stone Skipping
- Storytelling
- Studying crystals
- Studying Old-kin
- Studying Relic-kin
- Studying Titans
- Studying the Ancients
- Taxidermy
- Terrariums
- Toy-making
- Travelling to neighbouring towns
- Watching the wisps
- Whine making
- Whittling
- Wrestling
- Writing to distant family